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program design and implementation

Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC)

360 Energy Group works in partnership with an applied research program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago to administer the Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC). SEDAC was designed to achieve energy efficiency savings in buildings throughout the State of Illinois.

To date, SEDAC has identified more than $50 million in annual energy cost savings for its participants.

SEDAC’s program goals include:

  1. Reduce the cost of doing business for Illinois entities through energy efficiency design assistance projects. By expanding consumer awareness of energy efficient design alternatives and retrofit options, we transform markets to make these choices more viable.

  2. Demonstrate the cost effectiveness of energy efficiency strategies as a response to higher energy prices.

  3. Support job creation and retention in Illinois by reducing operating costs and providing a variety of opportunities (for architects, engineers and other building professionals) to learn and practice innovative, efficient building design and construction techniques. 

  4. Support electric and natural gas reliability in the state by promoting energy efficient building practices that release system capacity.

  5. Reduce pollution by minimizing wasted energy and demonstrate that reducing environmental impact yields improved economic viability.

Public Sector Energy Efficiency Program

360 Energy Group has teamed up with the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to facilitate and administer incentives to help local governments and other public entities (libraries, park districts, community colleges) update and retrofit public facilities. 

Services include:

  • Direct incentive administration

  • Implementation assistance

To date, The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Public Sector Energy Efficiency Program has helped 308 public entities secure more than $4.3 million in funding for energy efficiency improvements. This will reduce electric use by over 10 million kWh and natural gas use by more than 565,000 therms. 

Geothermal Heat Pump Deployment Program

360 Energy Group has worked with the retail business unit of a major regulated energy utility in Western Europe to develop business case and implementation plans to launch a new program with a target of 5,000 geothermal heat pump (GHP) systems. These will be installed in homes and commercial buildings over a two year period, leaving behind a sustainable market and producing about 60,000 kW of installed GHP in the first two years.

360 Energy Group Chicago

1 South Dearborn St

20th Floor

Chicago, IL 60603

Tel: 1-312-265-3971

Tel: 1-800-401-0360

Hours: 8am - 5pm

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